We hope you enjoy our new website: ImPatient4change.blogspot.com.
Every Patient Matters.
As a patient-focused organization, we want to reform the Canadian HealthCare system, so it provides safer and better quality care for all of us. We want to prevent injuries and deaths in hospitals and other medical facilities resulting from unsafe practices. And we believe this can be done by bringing patients and their families to the table. For too long, patients have been isolated from each other. It is time to organize for our rights!
We hope you will lend your voice and contribute your talents to this cause.
1. Campaign for legal reform to enshrine patient rights.
2. Provide assistance for patients in filing complaints and navigating the system.
3. Build the case for change by sharing research and stories of people who have been hurt.
4. Increase dialogue, support and awareness by bringing together patients, families and friends.
5. Small-scale and large-scale efforts to support patient ideas for change.
1. CONTACT US TODAY. Because privacy is an important patient right, emails sent to impatient4change@gmail.com will be kept strictly confidential.
2. VOLUNTEER. What skills do you have that could help us get moving? Please let us know. Examples: organizing events, writing/editing/media skills, setting up boards, counseling or advocacy, research, fundraising, legal skills, health expertise, networking/lobbying, activism, translation, experience with other civil rights or safety groups, etc.
3. SHARE YOUR STORY. If you're a patient who has been hurt or a family member/friend of a hurt patient, and you want to share your story, we encourage you to write to us about it. We will collect but keep these stories confidential.
4. SHARE YOUR PASSION. You don't have to have personal experience with our flawed healthcare system; but if you have a passion for improving the quality of care, we need you!
5. VISION. This is not just a group designed to complain, although we certainly have things to complain about! We believe in the vision of patient-focused care, where everyone has rights - an entitlement even - to safe care delivered with respect. Some changes can be made in a year but others will take a generation. We will not give up. It's too important.
3. Build the case for change by sharing research and stories of people who have been hurt.
4. Increase dialogue, support and awareness by bringing together patients, families and friends.
5. Small-scale and large-scale efforts to support patient ideas for change.

1. CONTACT US TODAY. Because privacy is an important patient right, emails sent to impatient4change@gmail.com will be kept strictly confidential.
2. VOLUNTEER. What skills do you have that could help us get moving? Please let us know. Examples: organizing events, writing/editing/media skills, setting up boards, counseling or advocacy, research, fundraising, legal skills, health expertise, networking/lobbying, activism, translation, experience with other civil rights or safety groups, etc.
3. SHARE YOUR STORY. If you're a patient who has been hurt or a family member/friend of a hurt patient, and you want to share your story, we encourage you to write to us about it. We will collect but keep these stories confidential.
4. SHARE YOUR PASSION. You don't have to have personal experience with our flawed healthcare system; but if you have a passion for improving the quality of care, we need you!
5. VISION. This is not just a group designed to complain, although we certainly have things to complain about! We believe in the vision of patient-focused care, where everyone has rights - an entitlement even - to safe care delivered with respect. Some changes can be made in a year but others will take a generation. We will not give up. It's too important.
Welcome aboard and we look forward to hearing from you soon!
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